A lot of changes

Dear Colleagues,

During the months that followed our last newsletter, SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 have changed the world and still have major impact on our personal lives. With most live events canceled or transformed to virtual meetings, we would like to give you some information about upcoming events.

1.) The 4th International Renal Pathology Conference will take place as a fully virtual meeting November 19th-21st, 2020. The programme has been adjusted, but not published. Once we know the details, we will forward the information to you.

2.) The European Congress of Pathology/International Academy of Pathology Congress will also be a virtual event. It will be a three day meeting, December 6th-8th, 2020. We have heard that the organizers want to prepare up to six parallel sessions, but have not been told the details yet. We will keep you posted.

Finally, we have discussed a virtual “Seminars in Diagnostic Nephropathology” series organized by our working group. We would like to have your feedback on this idea via a short survey (please use this link to the survey monkey) before we start a more detailed project.

Kind regards and stay safe
Kerstin Amann & Helmut Hopfer

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